


Helping Schools Meet Their Financial Goals Since 1992!

With the financial crisis affecting everyone in our great Country, charitable giving to worthy causes such as educational institutions is being paired back or eliminated completely. It is in times such as these, that My Email Now's program provides the continuity and permanency necessary to help realize the potential of donations from a university's alumni. By staying better connected with their graduates, colleges and universities are assured the opportunity for their alumni to give back to their alma-mater, and more importantly, to begin giving sooner!

My Email Now offers a unique approach to maintaining contact with a school's alumni that has proven to be successful over the years. With more than 400 schools  benefiting from our program, post-secondary schools can take comfort in their ability to keep connected with their graduates.

The best part of our program is that your school does not pay anything for the service. In fact, My Email Now donates money each year in the form of an unrestricted gift. In addition, My Email Now provides your schools (at no cost) a list of their alumni's contact information (which is not shared with anyone else).

Some schools have already implemented some sort of permanent email program for their graduates, and My Email Now applauds them. In fact they recommend the schools keep their in-house service going, as no one method is able to get 100% participation from the alumni. Any email forwarding service, or email box, provided by the university is an excellent supplement to our program.

The bottom line is that universities are able to stay in contact with their alumni and receive an annual unrestricted gift from My Email Now, and they need not do anything to receive this generosity.

 Click here to find out more!



Helping them stay connected...

 from College to Real Life.